
The Top 10 Legacy Magazine Stories of 2023

EDITOR’S NOTE: The year 2023 for the Legacy Magazine has been full of rich and engaging content from over 25 contributors. Some of the stories stand out enough to showcase them once more at the end of the year. Greatness is included but isn’t limited to the below articles. Enjoy.


  1. Dylan Jack James – “Snapshots of Love” – LINK
  2. Greg Powell – “Nurturing Bonds: A Step-Dad’s Journey of Raising a Stepdaughter” LINK
  3. Paul Mack – “Imperfections Make Us the Men We Are” – LINK
  4. Michael Burns – “Bullshit” LINK
  5. Justin LaBarge – “Am I Okay?” – LINK
  6. Jim Ellis – “Being Grilled, As I Question My Manhood” LINK
  7. David De Francisco – “Surrender and Acceptance Clearly In Sight” – LINK
  8. Frank Scura – “I’ll Speak to His Heart” – LINK
  9. Story: Rick Russell – The Man and the Award” – LINK
  10. April Named ‘Men’s History Month to Acknowledge all the Stupid Shit They’ve Done” – LINK

Honorable Mentions

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