
Julius Williams


How does your men's team help you live a better life? In other words ... what keeps you coming back week over week?

Holding me accountable and letting me know I am important to the team

Why did you join MDI?

A man I confided in was a member, it made such a difference in his life. So I wanted the same.

Is there any special moment or story about your men's team and MDI that stands out to you, that makes you smile proudly?

A special moment was when our men’s team showed up in court for another man. I think even the judge was impressed.

Is there an area in your life, that you've completely transformed with your men's team?

When I joined MDI my business was just doing ok, but after my legacy Discovery that changed. I was energized and inspired to really make a difference in my life.

What would you say to a new man who is considering joining an MDI men's team?

Just take in what you hear, some things you probably haven’t been exposed to will be present..Once you are in the meeting you are part of the team, make sure your voice is heard.

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