
Ian Fraser Kennard


How does your men's team help you live a better life? In other words ... what keeps you coming back week over week?

Growth, accountability, decision making, leadership, the opportunity to serve others.

Why did you join MDI?

My marriage was failing, I needed tools for my life, I needed men in my life.

Is there any special moment or story about your men's team and MDI that stands out to you, that makes you smile proudly?

My son taking over as captain of our men’s team.

Is there an area in your life, that you've completely transformed with your men's team?

Yes, I no longer fear or hide from confrontation/conflict.

What would you say to a new man who is considering joining an MDI men's team?

Just do it, take the risk, it is worth it.

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Ian Fraser Kennard

“My advice to men thinking of joining: ‘Just do it, take the risk, it is worth it’.”

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Ian Fraser Kennard

“My advice to men thinking of joining: ‘Just do it, take the risk, it is worth it’.”

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