
Herky Cutler


How does your men's team help you live a better life? In other words ... what keeps you coming back week over week?

Keeps me accountable, provides me a place where I can take off the mask, a group of men that I can trust and they have my back

Why did you join MDI?

I was invited to a fire and was blown away by the experience. I realized I didn’t have what those men had, and I wanted it, so I joined

Is there any special moment or story about your men's team and MDI that stands out to you, that makes you smile proudly?

Starting two Men’s teams that are still functioning

Is there an area in your life, that you've completely transformed with your men's team?

I would have to say my relationship with my wife. Even though she is a Sterling Women’s Graduate, there were lots of things that I was doing with her, and we were doing to each other, that weren’t serving us. The Sterling weekend and later MDI helped me understand this, and I would say our relationship is much more powerful as a result

What would you say to a new man who is considering joining an MDI men's team?

I would say that having a group of men in your life that can support you, love you, help you, challenge you, listen to you, and hold you accountable, is something very special that we don’t get to have in other parts of our life. Its a result, I would tell that man that he owed it to himself and to his family to at least check it out with an open heart and an open mind. Ask questions, ask other men why they joined, take it all in, and then make a decision about whether or not it feels like a fit.

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