
The MDI Competition – An Update November 2022

Frank DeCarlo
Vice President, Expansion Initiative

The first of its kind, the MDI Competition – which started in March and completes this month – is the brainchild of the leader of the MDI Expansion Initiative, The overall objective is to create fun ways for regional men to build the organization and strengthening connections among members. The winner will be announced on the November “All-Hands” call.  And now for the update:

The Competition is coming down to the wire, and it’s a close race – The Western Region is leading the Southeast Region by only seven points! (See scoreboard at the bottom of this post.) Keep going though. We’re in the fourth quarter. There are the last four weeks to compete. Submissions will be accepted no later than Wednesday, November 30.

Get in touch with your Team Leader, Division Coordinator, and Regional Coordinator and see how you can support your region to win!

Ways to Win:

  • Rally some men and gather five or more images for submission?
  • Inquire as to how many MTP grads there were since March
  • Check out the six ways to compete and see how your region can push ahead.

Stay tuned. The winner will be announced on the International All Hands call on Thursday, December 8.

Link to video – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jtciL5cutolSMW4Tup_HjRcg7aGXUIdM/view?usp=sharing

The Point System

Points Accumulated

  1. Number of men who complete the MTP Program
  2. Number of men who join MDI through the EXT Referral Program
  3. Number of men who register for a Legacy Discovery Weekend
  4. Images of men engaging in different MDI meeting and events
  5. Men who support the different roles and participate with the men of ILCT
  6. Regional growth by the end of the competition

The Key

  • MTP – Membership Training Program
  • EXI – Expansion Initiative
  • INTL – International Team
  • LD – Legacy Discovery
  • CAR – Canada Region
  • NER – Northeast Region
  • SER – Southeast Region
  • SWR – Southwest Region
  • WER – Western Region


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