
Spiritual and Sexual Success

Michael Burns
Legacy Magazine Scout

Just today – July 21, 2023 – my wife and I assisted each other to create stupendous sexual orgasms.

This is what I would define as “success.”

My wife Patty and I, the succeeders, are both 75 years of age; third marriage for both; neither with kids; 24 years of practicing together to be able to play like a well-oiled team.

In 2020 she survived stage-4 Lymphoma that was discovered during the lockdown of the pandemic. I was not allowed to be present with her during her near-death hospital stays in ER, ICU, or patient rooms. She survived six rounds of chemo, driving 60 miles round trip for each round. She chose to continue the hellish chemo treatments in order to live longer and spend more time with me.

She’s been free of cancer for three years now, ascending to the peak of her life.


We met, and began Team We on April 11, 1999 at age 51.

Some foundational aspects that our success is built upon are: we were single, childless. We both had years of training in living with standards / code (she had 14 years of sobriety via AA steps and teachings, I had 13 yrs of the Sterling Men’s Division Code of Honor, both still ongoing). The first 14 years of our relationship we lived apart; this gave us lots of time and space to deal with conflicts and get to know and trust each other. We were COMMITTED to our partnership.

I believe that how I showed up during the years of cancer and recovery has been the pinnacle of success during my personal “long, strange trip.” Choosing my ways of being are due largely to the constant training I sought, received, and accepted during these 37 years of men’s work. 

Prior to, and coinciding with men’s work, I spent a number of years doing eclectic spiritual training with an international community called The Emissaries of Divine Light. In addition, I experienced a variety and quantity of Native American sacred ceremonies led by Elder Fred Wahpepah and his Seven Circles Foundation Community. These earth-based philosophies, the men’s work, and Emissary teachings all brought me to strive to live at the Source of my Power. 

It was like engaging and synching both poles of my chakra body: the root chakra and the crown chakra, and the ones in between too! From the men’s work I was able to discover and understand what it meant for me to live my masculinity. From the Emissary and Native work I was able to discover and understand my spirituality and connection with the Divine, the Whole.

At the beginning of our courtship, age 51, Patty and I didn’t have successful sex. It was surely nice, but we had a lot to learn. I didn’t even start having sex until into my twenties, and up until my 40s my sex life was an absolute wash out, even in two marriages! So for most of my life I was relentlessly dragged down by this underdeveloped, unfulfilled root chakra, the hallmark of an adult male.

After doing the Men, Sex, and Power weekend in 1986, my second marriage ended and I successfully had a lot more  unsuccessful sex. When the partnership with Patty began in ’99, she wisely turned me on to the book “Are We Having Fun Yet, The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Sex,”  a book written by professional sisters, Marcia and Lisa Douglass about women. It spoke of how women should learn about their biological, emotional, and psychological sexual needs. Women have just as much right to have orgasms and satisfaction from sex as men expect to experience.

I devoured the book, getting what I had been missing all my life: knowledge about a woman’s physical needs and how to help her meet those needs. You know, like a Help Mate would do! “How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice man, practice.” We did practice, and have been having successful sex for 24 years.

Use this share for help with your own context around sex, for enjoyment, for bathroom reading, whatever.

Thanks for hearing me. To all of our success.

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!
All My Relations

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