
A Comeback Story: Joe Sigurdson

In the inaugural episode of THE LEGACY INTERVIEW, editor Jim Ellis sat down (on Zoom) with Joe Sigurdson, the co-founder of “Boys To Men,” a mentoring organization with mentors located in 33 centers worldwide. As this month’s theme for the magazine is “The Comeback Story,” Joe tells his own story of rising from the ashes to create one of the most successful organizations supporting young men today.

Joe Sigurdson is the co-founder of the “Boys to Men Mentoring Network,” a nonprofit organization supporting boys who are challenged in today’s society. He has been active in the Mankind Project doing interpersonal work for the past 27 years. His experience in both these programs has given him insight to what he believes is lacking in our society, especially for teenage boys. He has worked with thousands of men and boys around the world. With 33 centers across the globe, the vision of Boys to Men is “to create communities of men who teach, support, mentor and encourage boys to become compassionate and accountable men.”